The Mercersburg Historic District is a collection of compatible structures dating from the late 18th through the early 20th centuries. The district encompasses the older central portions of the Borough. The Mercersburg Historic District actually has two distinct designations. In 1975 the Mercersburg Borough Council established the Mercersburg Historic Architectural Review Board district through the passage of an ordinance authorized under the Pennsylvania General Assembly Historic District Act (1961). This district provides a way for citizens and property owners to recognize and protect the special character of their community. This ordinance is designed to ensure that the essential characteristics of this district are preserved by requiring any exterior changes to buildings within this district to be reviewed by the HARB prior to the work being completed. Additionally, the historic district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978 and was expanded in 1988.
Activities that propose external changes to the buildings within the District must follow the Mercersburg Design Guide for Maintaining and Rehabilitating Buildings in the Mercersburg Historic District. The contents of this document are provided in sections (smaller downloads) below.
- Introduction
- Masonry
- Exterior Wood and Siding
- Roofs
- Windows and Doors
- Porches
- Storefronts and Commercial Buildings
- Signs
- Demolition
- New Construction and Additions
- Exterior Color and Paint
- Accessibility Utilities and Auxiliary Equipment
- Where Can I Learn More